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THE BOOKS - Rosemary DePasquale Boykin                                     & Anne Boykin



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The Italians of Steele's Store, Texas
& Brazos Valley Italians, A Series of Interviews
Rosemary DePasquale Boykin with Anne Boykin

ISBN 978-09761301-6-1


A history of Sicily and many of the Italian-Sicilian families who came to the Brazos Valley. Including oral history transcriptions with 33 of the original families. Rosemary first published these books as two separate volumes in 1993. I have edited and added the full version of my parents' obituaries. Soft-bound, 325 pages, 8.5"x11", 53 figures. $75

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The DePasquales, from Italy-Sicily to Texas
Rosemary Elizabeth DePasquale Boykin
& Elizabeth Anne Boykin

ISBN 0-9646161-2-2


This story begins in Sicily and unfolds in Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas, and ends in Galveston County. Five generations of this Italian-Sicilian family are chronicled in this book. Rosemary and I first published this book in 1986, then again in 2003. I have edited and added the full version of my parents' obituaries. Soft-bound, 350 pages, 8.5"x11", 312 figures, 10 lineage charts. $95.

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Birds of Passage
Rosemary Elizabeth DePasquale Boykin



An annotated listing of Italian immigrants who departed Palermo, Sicily, and arrived at the Port of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1859-1901. A transcription of 23,975 immigrants' names, families, and many other details. 2,000+ pages. Rosemary spent eight years transcribing these files from the original microfilm and microfiche files from the National Archives. The original files are written in often illegible Spencerian handwriting with abbreviations peculiar only to the enumerator. This was a labor of love for my Mother. I am honored to be able to make this available once again. Searchable PDF/flash drive. Contact Anne Boykin directly to purchase. $55


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